Copal From Colombia

All fossils here were posted on e-bay and came from the Andes Mountains in Colombia, South America (1000 years old). The copal is commonly misnamed as amber or as fossil material, when actualy it's hardened resin. The resin needs to be >10,000 yrs. old (Pleistocene or older) to be a fossil.

Click the photo to enlarge.

I have viewed many amber and copal specimens with awesome and beautiful inclusions of insects and other arthropods, but this specimen is unique by my experience in its combination of FREAKY CREATURES.  The pictures speak volumes:
2 spiders including: 1 male ground spider with visible fangs and palpal organs (claw like arms near head) used to place sperm in the female and 1 orb weaving spider (spiders are Arachnida: Araneida)
2 Mites (mites are Arachnida: Acarina)
A truly FREAKY LARVAE, possibly the dreaded Owlfly (Neuroptera: Family Ascalaphidae) a voracious carnivore,
4 Collembola,
3 Coleoptera,
10 Dipterans and Hymenoptera,
A combo of many freaky arthropods preserved for eternity this 36 gram copal grave measuring almost 4 inches across.
sold for $102 September 2003

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