Dinosaur Footprints and Trackways from the Northeastern U.S.
J & H PaleoScience: Vertebrate Ichnology. Fossil foot prints and track ways from Massachusetts MA, Connecticut CT, New York NY, New Jersey NJ, Pennsylvania PA, Maryland MD

TRs: Stockton Formation (NJ & NY) - All footprints here are from the late Triassic Period (225 mya) from the Stockton Formation. The formation consists of red and gray sandstones and shale which were deposited during the formation of the Newark rift basin. Typical ichnotaxon list: Apatopus sp. (phytosaur), Atreipus sp. (ornithischian dinosaur), Brachychirotherium (rauisuchian crurotarsan), Grallator parallelus (small theropod dinosaur), Gwyneddichnium sp. (tanystropheid), Rhynchosauroides sp. (lepidosauromorphs), and others.

Apatopus sp.

1) Apatopus lineatus manus and pes, and a Chirotherium pes from NY. Note the skin trace. 2) A large manus of the Apatopus lineatus. Photos 1-2 [Division of Vertebrate Paleontology, YPM. ŠPeabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. All rights reserved.]

Atreipus sp.
(ornithischian dinosaur)

please e-mail a photo if you have a print of this type.

(rauisuchian crurotarsan)

please e-mail a photo if you have a print of this type.

Chirotherium lulli
(crurotarsan, possibly aetosaurid)

1) Apatopus lineatus manus and pes, and a Chirotherium pes from NY. Note the skin trace. Photo 1 [Division of Vertebrate Paleontology, YPM. ŠPeabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. All rights reserved.]

(small theropod dinosaur)

please e-mail a photo if you have a print of this type.

Gwyneddichnium sp.

please e-mail a photo if you have a print of this type.

Rhynchosauroides sp.

1-3) Rhynchosauroides from NJ. 4-5) Rhynchosauroides from NY. Photos 1-5 [Division of Vertebrate Paleontology, YPM. ŠPeabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. All rights reserved.]

(medium theropod dinosaur)
1) Strataman's slab with at least 11 tracks. 2) Strataman's 2 halves possible grallator but faint.

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